Livorno in Danza is not just a competition for dance schools, but a real collage of events that also includes workshops, masterclasses and auditions. Livorno in Danza has now become one of the main international dance events, each year registering the participation of over 800 dancers from all over the world, who meet to perform and show their technique, get to know each other and confront each other in an atmosphere of absolute internationality. Among the prizes awarded, in addition to those in cash, there are prestigious scholarships in some of the most important centers in the world, where in addition to high-level professional training, the most talented will also find job opportunities.
Participating in Livorno in Danza is easy and fun ... so ... LET'S DANCE, LET'S MEET THE WORLD !!!
Dance competition
Categories: Classical / Neoclassical Dance - Contemporary Dance
Competition dedicated to dance schools. The technical jury, made up of international authorities, will award cash prizes, scholarships, medals, trophies and special prizes for talent and originality .
GOLDONI THEATER - Categories: Baby, Children, Under, Intermediate, Junior and Senior for soloists, 2-4 (from 2 to 4 people) and groups (more than 5 people).
The organization reserves the right to change the program, taking care to give prior notice to the participants.
Choreographic Composition Competition
Unique category
Independent section, dedicated to the work of choreographers and teachers, of any style (classic, contemporary or Hip-Hop). It will in fact be a showcase to present one's style and show one's ability as a choreographer. It is the category suitable for the pieces that have the main purpose of communicating a concept, a fact or a situation, which can be announced with a short presentation. If your piece is purely technical, the most suitable category is "Groups" (Classic or Modern-Contemporary). The technical jury, made up of international authorities, will award cash prizes, scholarships, trophies and special prizes .
GOLDONI THEATER - Unique category for age and styles.
The organization reserves the right to change the program, taking care to give prior notice to the participants.