Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 of february, 2025
hundreds of young people are waiting for you for one of the most anticipated competitions for dance schools in the world
We are waiting for you, thank you for giving us your art...
"let's dance, let's meet the world..."
The best choreographies will be invited by the jury to participate in
an exclusive competition, with participation by invitation, which will see the winners of the various international competitions that are part of our network compete
The second edition of OPTIMUM will be Saturday 5 July 2025 in Livorno

We welcome you to this competition, with which we want to stimulate, reward and recognize new dance talents, as well as offer young people the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and discuss each other in a friendly way. Every year we have the pleasure of hosting schools and groups from all over the world, in an atmosphere of great dance celebrations.
The competition is open to dancers of any nationality.
Students and teachers of Areadanza, the organizing body, are not allowed to participate.
ll failure to comply with the rules of regulation may result in exclusion from the competition, with no possibility of appeal.
The Management reserves the right to make any changes to the program, for organizational needs, as well as modify theand categories, for the sole purpose of keeping up the spirit of confrontation and competition.
The event is divided into the following sections:
DANCE COMPETITION : Classical/Neoclassical and Modern/Contemporary sections (repertoire pieces admitted).
SOLOISTS - maximum duration of the choreographies: 2:00 minutes - The same dancer cannot perform more than 2 choreographies in the same category
FROM 2 TO 4 PEOPLE - maximum duration of the choreographies: 3.00 minutes - maximum 25% of non-quota, and these must not exceed the age for more than 1 year. Otherwise they will be placed in the older dancer category. The same 2-4 cannot perform more than 2 choreographies in the same category
GROUPS - maximum duration of the choreographies: 4.00 minutes - maximum 25% of non-quota, and these must not exceed the age for more than 1 year. Otherwise they will be placed in the higher age category. The same group cannot perform more than 2 choreographies in the same category
CHILDREN : born in 2013 or after
UNDER : born between 2010 and 2012
JUNIOR : born between 2007 and 2009
SENIOR : born in 2006 or before
CHOREOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION COMPETITION - maximum duration of the choreographies 6:00 minutes - it is reserved for groups of at least 3 people, of any age group and dance style. In this section the pieces must have their own narrative and communicative independence, leaving free rein to the imagination and creativity of the choreographersfi. I pezzi, at the request of the choreographer, may be announced with a short presentation (maximum 50 words),which must be provided at the time of registration.
N.B. :Choose Choreographic Composition if the piece has a purely communicative and conceptual imprint. If the piece is purely technical, the "groups" category in the "Dance" section is more suitable.
Coined medals are provided for soloists, while plaques are provided for groups. There are special prizes, assigned at the sole discretion of the jury, including scholarships from academies and/or companies and registrations for partner events and competitions.
The deadline for registrations is the 5 February 2025. In the event that a sufficient number of choreographies is reached to cover the times communicated, the organization reserves the right to close the registrations in advance, without any notice. For this reason it is required the pre-registrationby sending an email to the addressinfo@livornoindanza.inforequesting the availability of places. After that, having received the confirmation of availability, it will be possible to proceed with the registration by sending, by 5 February 2025 :
By EMAIL to info@livornoindanza.info :
Form 1 - one for each school (school form with list of students, self-declaration and release of liability from the president/director/head of the dance school), signed in original, with a copy of the compiler's identity document
Mod 2 one for each piece (choreography registration form)
Copy of payment (a single payment for each school)
Music (exclusively in MP3 format. Rename the file with: school name - choreography title. In the case of several large files, use www.wetransfer.com)
N.B. All documentation (both by email and by post) must be received by 5 February 2025.
A one-off contribution of €5 is required for each dancer.
Dance (Classical – Contemporary) :
solo € 80;
pas de deux/trio and quartet : € 100;
Groups: € 20 for each dancer.
Choreographic Composition:
Groups only: fixed fee of €100 + €20 for each dancer.
The payment of the registration fees is to be made by single payment by bank transfer to the C/C BIC/SWIFT code: BAPPIT21T03 and IBAN: IT93R0503413903000000002249 of the BPM Cassa Risparmio Pisa Lucca e Livorno payable to Areadanza, with causal: Name of the School – Livorno in Danza. Please DO NOT make payments in the name of individuals. The registration fee will in no case be refundable for impediments not due to the organization.Registration must be completed by 5 February 2025
The competition will take place entirely in the Teatro Goldoni.
FRIDAY 21: Masterclass at Areadanza
SATURDAY 22: Afternoon at Teatro Goldoni - Competition for Children and Under categories - awards ceremony for the first 3 of each category (provided they reach a score of at least 60/100) - end at 21h30
SUNDAY 23: entire day at Teatro Goldoni. Morning 09h30/13h00 and 14h00/17h00 Competition for Junior, Senior and Choreographic Composition categories. At the end of each session, the first 3 of each category (provided they reach a score of at least 60/100), will be announced as participants of Final Gala, which will be on at 19h00. At the end there will be the awards ceremony for the first 3 of each category - end at 23h30
STAGE: All performances will take place in fixed light. The Theater has a stage of 18 x 13 m with 4 wings per side, slope of 5 %.
TEST: There are no rehearsals, but once you have checked in, during the breaks it will be possible to visit the stage and make collective space rehearsals.
CHECK IN: check-in times will be communicated by email. At Check-In, the group leaders will be given the passes, which must be worn for the entire duration of the event.
Each teacher must have a USB stick (no CDs or mobile phones) with backup music (MP3 only), to be used in case of emergency.
The use of scenography, tools, objects or substances that could damage or make the stage slippery will not be allowed, under penalty of disqualification.
Unless otherwise indicated by the jury or the organization, applause is not permitted.
The technical jury will be made up of well-known international personalities, whose names will be made public as soon as the various agreements have been defined. The judgments of the technical jury determine the category rankings and are expressed in hundredths and counted exclusively on a mathematical basis. The awarding of prizes is reserved (except in cases of ex-aequo) to the 3 choreographies which, in each category, will obtain the highest scores, provided that these are at least 60/100. The jury reserves the right not to award prizes. If it deems it appropriate, the jury may not award some prizes.
Access to the dressing rooms, stage and backstage will be allowed to dancers and only the choreographer, equipped with passes, who will be able to watch the performances through a giant screen located on the ground floor in the dressing rooms building.
The public will be able to attend by purchasing the ticket at the box office at a cost of €10, or online starting from 10 February 2025 (through the page that will be added to the site), paying commissions and pre-sale fees from the concessionaire, external to the organisation.
There are 3 tickets: Saturday (Children and Under), Sunday (Junior, Senior and Choreographic Composition) and Final Gala.
The rest of the tickets will be put on sale during the competition days.
By signing the registration form, the manager/president/director/manager declares that all the members of the group he represents are absolutely physically fit to practice dance, certified by a doctor, and that the relative documentation is in the records of the own institution/association/company. He also declares that all dancers (parents or guardians for minors) have issued Areadanza s.s.d. the authorization for the free use of data and images taken during the event. The regulation, which has been fully read, is approved without reservations.
Videos/photos will not be allowed, entrusted exclusively to professional operators, who will take care of their sale and dissemination.
The format, the logo and all pertinence of the LIVORNO in DANCE competition are filed and registered trademark. For any civil or criminal dispute, the competent court is exclusively that of Livorno.
The organization reserves the right to modify or cancel the event or part of it due to emerging needs, to change times, prizes, articulation, categories, sections, places and activities mentioned in this document at any time without any obligation towards the participants, who will be promptly informed. In case of cancellation of the event, registration money will be returned.